Syracuse University is focusing its research efforts on the study of Charm and Beauty particles produced in colliding beam accelerators. The science drivers include studies of the weak decays of b and c quarks, and the possible participation (through virtual loops) of new "beyond the Standard model" states in heavy quark decay. In fact, measurements of the decays of heavy quarks may be an important way to identify the presence of "new physics". The group uses a two-pronged approach: working on the CLEO-c experiment actively analyzing data on charm states, and working on getting the LHCb experiment ready to take data, to study beauty physics. CLEO-c responsibilities include maintaining the Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) constructed at Syracuse for the experiment. Among the several data analyses led by the group are measurement of the branching ratio for the two-body leptonic decay of the D+ meson B(D+ mu+ neutrino) and the pseudoscalar decay constant f(D+), and first observation of Y(1D) and Dsj(2463) states. The group is now actively engaged in several aspects of the LHCb detector, including the vertex detector, monitoring of the online event selection (called triggering), global alignment and the RICH detector.
Broader Impacts potential of the program is extensive including technology transfer of significant advances made in RICH photon detectors and education and outreach through programs such as the "Ask a Particle Physicist" that is in wide use, and through research opportunities for undergraduates.