The Joint Institute of Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) and the Department of Physics will conduct a summer program introducing 12 undergraduates to active, on-going research. The 19 participating faculty are well-recognized contributors to the fields of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Gravitational and Geophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Elementary Particle Physics, and Nuclear Physics. Half the students will be selected from colleges and universities in Colorado and the contiguous states; half will come from the University of Colorado. Special efforts will be made to solicit applications from minorities, particularly in Colorado. The students will be expected to master at least a part of a large task. Once a week all students will gather to discuss their work informally. At the end of their 10-week employment they will give short seminars describing their work and write a report. Students from smaller colleges will be exposed to graduate students here, thus encouraging the undergraduates to continue their education.