EXCEED THE SPACEPROVIDED.This competitive renewal application (RR00125) requests continued support for the Yale General Clinical ResearchCenter (GCRC) that now includes the previously independent Children's Clinical Research Center (RR 06022) followingthe merge of the programs on 12/1/03. The goals of the new GCRC are to: increase services provided to investigators,competencies of research staff, the efficiency of operations, the quality of GCRC oversight and the diversity of researchprotocols (while maintaining traditional strengths in diabetes, metabolism, neuroscience, and psychiatry), as well asfoster high quality clinical investigation and strengthen training and career development programs. Several newinitiatives are proposed including Magnetic Resonance and Genomics Resource Cores and community-based nursingsupport. The GCRC inpatient and outpatient units and most of the GCRC staff are housed in the recently renovated 10-5 and 10-6Units of the Yale-New Haven Hospital. Switching to a per diem method of reimbursement has reducedinpatient costs. Continued support is requested for Nursing Personnel, the Core Laboratory, Informatics, Biostatistics,Bionutrition, and the CReFF program. The commitment to protection of research subjects requires the efforts of GCRCResearch Subject Advocates and improved communication and coordination with the Human Investigation Committee(HIC). The GCRC serves as a valuable resource for trainees enrolled in 23 T32 post-doctoral fellowship programs, theInvestigative Medicine (K30)doctoral program, the Robert Wood Johnson Program, and the NCRR-supported K12program, as well as K23 and K24 awardees. Finally, Yale has in place a large body of clinical research that requiresand is enhanced by GCRC support. The 118 protocols described in this application come from a broad range of clinicalinvestigators with diverse interests that involve research subjects from premature infants to the elderly. This GCRC-based research is supported by peer reviewed grants that total ~$33 million of which ~94%are NIH funded. The centralrole of GCRC clinical research programs at the medical center is reflected by the strong and tangible commitments thatthe new Dean of the School of Medicine and Yale-New Haven Hospital leadership have made to our newly merged unit.
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