The Dissemination Core is a key sub-component of the Administrative Core. The core will coordinate and continue to promote and disseminate the outcomes of the research results of CREATE. The Dissemination Core activities will fall under general categories of presentation, journal publications, books and chapters, brochures, website development, technical reports, conference and symposia, business summit, local and national media, and student placement. The activities planned for the dissemination core include: Facilitating translation of research findings into best practices and business-specific guidelines; Working with agencies such as the Area Agencies on Aging and AARP to coordinate development of pamphlets, web information, and newspaper articles to advance awareness of the practical outcomes of our research; Cooperating with the American Psychological Association to organize and package scientific knowledge into information that can be utilized for policy decision making by Congress or other government agencies; Share CREATE-developed methods and procedures with other scientists and practitioners both within the United States and internationally; Enhance media exposure of CREATE activities; Maintain active web presence to disseminate CREATE activities, products, and resources;and Promote dissemination opportunities for Center personnel by identifying relevant dissemination outlets
CREATE has as its primary mission contributing to the fundamental knowledge base of science and advancing practice through translational research. As such, the dissemination Core is a critical aspect of the success of achieving that mission.
Evans, Jarrett; Charness, Neil; Dijkstra, Katinka et al. (2018) Is episodic memory performance more vulnerable to depressive affect in older adulthood? Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn :1-20 |
McGlynn, Sean A; Kemple, Shawn; Mitzner, Tracy L et al. (2017) Understanding the Potential of PARO for Healthy Older Adults. Int J Hum Comput Stud 100:33-47 |
Souders, Dustin J; Best, Ryan; Charness, Neil (2017) Valuation of active blind spot detection systems by younger and older adults. Accid Anal Prev 106:505-514 |
Rogers, Wendy A; Mitzner, Tracy L (2017) Envisioning the Future for Older Adults: Autonomy, Health, Well-being, and Social Connectedness with Technology Support. Futures 87:133-139 |
Stuck, Rachel E; Chong, Amy W; Mitzner, Tracy L et al. (2017) Medication Management Apps: Usable by Older Adults? Proc Hum Factors Ergon Soc Annu Meet 61:1141-1144 |
Charness, Neil (2017) What Has the Study of Digital Games Contributed to the Science of Expert Behavior? Top Cogn Sci 9:510-521 |
Preusse, Kimberly C; Mitzner, Tracy L; Fausset, Cara Bailey et al. (2017) Older Adults' Acceptance of Activity Trackers. J Appl Gerontol 36:127-155 |
Barg-Walkow, Laura H; Rogers, Wendy A (2016) The Effect of Incorrect Reliability Information on Expectations, Perceptions, and Use of Automation. Hum Factors 58:242-60 |
Souders, Dustin J; Boot, Walter R; Charness, Neil et al. (2016) Older Adult Video Game Preferences in Practice: Investigating the Effects of Competing or Cooperating. Games Cult 11:170-120 |
Charness, Neil; Best, Ryan; Evans, Jarrett (2016) Supportive home health care technology for older adults: Attitudes and implementation. Gerontechnology 15:233-242 |
Showing the most recent 10 out of 91 publications