Estimates of lifespan, survival and mortality from cohort life tables provide the standard metrics of demographic aging. When estimated within defined periods, conditions and with appropriate co-isogenic controls, life tables of experimental cohorts are used to infer the effect of genes upon life span and agedependent mortality. In this core we shall provide a program-wide, uniform platform to systematically collect and analyze life tables using our well established, efficient 'demography cage'system. The core will also generate co-isogenic lines across the various candidate genes targeted by the individual projects, and maintain a single source of shared mutant lines for our genetic screens. By testing life tables of all genotypes of interest in a single environment this core provides a unifying background to make direct comparisons among the domains of functional aging in terms of how they affect demographic aging.
Aging humans and animals experience decline in multiple essential systems, that is, functional senescence. Aging is also accompanied by a progressive increase in mortality rate. The purpose of this core is to conduct life table experiments required to test whether slowing the progress of functional senescence is sufficient to actually slow the demographic features of aging.
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