The overarching goal of this Program Project Grant (PPG), entitled ?Comparative Genomics of Longevity,? is to identify molecular mechanisms responsible for health and longevity, with the focus on genome/epigenome stability in long-lived rodent species, and then develop strategies to adapt these mechanisms to benefit human health. Rodents are an ideal group for comparative aging studies because they are phylogenetically related, even though their lifespans are extremely diverse, ranging from 2-4 years in mice and rats to over 20 years in naked mole rats, beavers, porcupines, and squirrels. Characterization of the processes responsible for this disparity in lifespan may enable the development of interventions in the aging process to prevent, delay or cure age-related diseases. The central hypothesis of this PPG, therefore, is that long-lived species have evolved more efficient mechanisms to maintain genome/epigenome stability and prevent age-related diseases, which can be adapted to extend the healthspan of other species. In the first phase of the PPG, we generated exciting data that support our central hypothesis. Specifically, we identified DNA double strand break repair as a mechanism that strongly correlates with longevity; we were able to improve DNA repair in mouse cells by introducing specific amino acid changes from the beaver; we showed that the naked mole rat hyaluronan synthase 2 gene improved mouse health; we obtained evidence that mutation rates are higher in short-lived species, we developed a model that reports the biological age of mice, and we identified multiple omics profiles characteristic of long-lived species. This PPG is comprised of four highly integrated projects and three cores. Project 1 (Vera Gorbunova) is focused on mechanisms responsible for more efficient genome/epigenome stability in long-lived species. Project 2 (Andrei Seluanov) studies mechanisms responsible for longevity and cancer-resistance of the longest-lived rodent, the naked mole rat. Project 3 (Jan Vijg) investigates whether long-lived species have lower frequencies of mutations and epimutations using novel, high throughput single-cell approaches. Project 4 (Vadim Gladyshev) uses omics approaches to identify genes and pathways involved in genome and epigenome stability that are differentially regulated in long-lived species. The research team consists of five investigators dedicated to longevity research who are experts in comparative biology and DNA repair (Gorbunova), cancer-resistance and long-lived rodents (Seluanov), mutagenesis and high throughput, single-cell approaches (Vijg), comparative genomics (Gladyshev), and bioinformatics (Zhang, Core C). Moreover, the team has developed a collection of primary rodent cells and tissues, and naked mole rat colonies, specifically to facilitate comparative studies of longevity (Seluanov, Core B). This assembly of expertise allows unprecedented insight into the biology of longevity. This team of investigators is uniquely positioned to pursue studies of longevity across species using a combination of cell, molecular, and genomic approaches.
Animal species differ dramatically in their aging rates and susceptibility to age-related diseases. This Program Project identifies mechanisms responsible for extended healthspan and lifespan in long-lived mammals. This knowledge will enable the development of interventions to delay the onset of aging and age-related diseases in humans.
Sziráki, András; Tyshkovskiy, Alexander; Gladyshev, Vadim N (2018) Global remodeling of the mouse DNA methylome during aging and in response to calorie restriction. Aging Cell 17:e12738 |
Hébert, Jean M; Vijg, Jan (2018) Cell Replacement to Reverse Brain Aging: Challenges, Pitfalls, and Opportunities. Trends Neurosci 41:267-279 |
Seluanov, Andrei; Gladyshev, Vadim N; Vijg, Jan et al. (2018) Mechanisms of cancer resistance in long-lived mammals. Nat Rev Cancer 18:433-441 |
Meer, Margarita V; Podolskiy, Dmitriy I; Tyshkovskiy, Alexander et al. (2018) A whole lifespan mouse multi-tissue DNA methylation clock. Elife 7: |
Tian, Xiao; Doerig, Katherine; Park, Rosa et al. (2018) Evolution of telomere maintenance and tumour suppressor mechanisms across mammals. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 373: |
Zhou, Xuming; Sun, Di; Guang, Xuanmin et al. (2018) Molecular Footprints of Aquatic Adaptation Including Bone Mass Changes in Cetaceans. Genome Biol Evol 10:967-975 |
Piscitello, D; Varshney, D; Lilla, S et al. (2018) AKT overactivation can suppress DNA repair via p70S6 kinase-dependent downregulation of MRE11. Oncogene 37:427-438 |
Swovick, Kyle; Welle, Kevin A; Hryhorenko, Jennifer R et al. (2018) Cross-species Comparison of Proteome Turnover Kinetics. Mol Cell Proteomics 17:580-591 |
Tan, Li; Ke, Zhonghe; Tombline, Gregory et al. (2017) Naked Mole Rat Cells Have a Stable Epigenome that Resists iPSC Reprogramming. Stem Cell Reports 9:1721-1734 |
Nieborowska-Skorska, Margaret; Sullivan, Katherine; Dasgupta, Yashodhara et al. (2017) Gene expression and mutation-guided synthetic lethality eradicates proliferating and quiescent leukemia cells. J Clin Invest 127:2392-2406 |
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