The statistical core has extensive experience in managing and analyzing infectious disease data. The coreleader has analyzed primarily herpes-related data for the last four years, and has contributed to novel workin herpes including determination of a cutoff for positivity by PCR, the impact of different observation periodsand collection schedules on measurement of shedding characteristics, and potential associations of diseaseseverity with both toll-like receptor (TLR) variants and HLA type. The data manager has 20 years ofexperience coordinating clinical, patient-provided, and laboratory data at the UW VRC. She has developedcollaborations and procedures that facilitate the compilation and storage of cleaned, accurate data in acentralized location.We will accomplish the following four specific aims: 1) assist in the planning of experiments, includingsample size calculations and study design, 2) coordinate data collection, verification and management, incollaboration with laboratories and other data collection sources, 3) perform statistical analyses and assist ininterpretation of results, developing or adapting new methodology as appropriate and 4) develop newstatistical methodologies as appropriate.To achieve aim 3, project-specific aims will require the implementation of statistical techniques including butnot limited to: poisson regression for overdispersed data, zero-inflated models, generalized estimatingequations and linear mixed models for correlated data.
Aim 4 may involve development of tools fordetermination of and assessment of associations with viral clearance rate following HSV2 reactivation,building on the viral dynamics literature strongly focused on HIV viral load.
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