The overall goal of the Vaccine Technologies Core (VTC) is to provide highly specialized expertise in theareas of eukaryotic recombinant protein production, alphavirus RNA replicon and adenovirus vectortechnologies, novel adjuvants, vaccine formulation and immunogenicity screening in small animals. Thisexpertise will be used to produce and characterize state-of-the-art vaccine components to be utilized in all ofthe projects described in this multi-program project proposal. Specifically, the core will provide novelrecombinant HIV Env proteins (as well as novel adjuvants and formulations thereof) and recombinant viralvectors for evaluation in the Projects and Core C. In addition, novel mimotopes, VLPs and gp41-basedimmunogens from Projects 2 and 3 will be formulated with novel adjuvants to enhance potency and breadthof immune responses. The core will also consolidate the screening of these novel immunogens andadjuvants in rabbits for their ability to induce neutralizing antibodies.
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