Core A functions to provide the leadership, interaction and co-ordination between the different projects of thePPG in order to facilitate them in meeting their scientific goals. It can be divided into two sections: scientificsupport and administrative support. Important functions of the scientific support will be: to organize and holdweekly meetings of the project leaders and key personnel, to hold executive meetings of the project leadersalone to review progress and scientific direction, and to hold annual reviews with an external advisory boardto review progress on the overall goals of the PPG as a whole.Important aspects of administrative support will be to monitor the dispersion of financial resources, monitorresearch allocations. The steering committee composed of all four project leaders will meet twice a year toreview expenditures and resource allocations for the projects and cores. The administrative core will also beresponsible for writing and transmitting the yearly progress report on the PPG, including the written report ofthe External Advisory Committee.An additional function of the administrative core will be to disseminate a program for seminars at Stanfordthat are broadly related to the scientific directions of the PPG. A final aspect of the scientific support will beto ensure that all investigators are using common reagents and cell strains to maintain uniformity inexperimental protocols.
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