The diversity of bioactive lipids and their interconnected metabolism provide a network of pathways regulatingintra- and inter-cellular signaling and function. Dysfunctions in these pathways contribute to the pathobiologyof cancer progression and metastasis. These considerations have necessitated the development of lipidchemistry and analysis. The Lipidomics Core was created based on unique expertise of the key personnel inlipid chemistry, analysis, and metabolism. It has evolved into a key Core for the program project grant (PPG)entitled Sphingolipids in Cancer Biology and Therapy, and was used by all participating investigators.Furthermore, this Core has developed into an institutional, national, and international resource in theemerging fields of lipidomics and pathobiology. Core services include: 1) assisting PPG investigators inexperimental design, selection of lipids of interest, and interpretation of analytical results; 2) providingqualitative and quantitative analysis of lipid components from different biological materials (cells, tissue, andbiological fluids), primarily employing high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(HPLC-MS/MS) technology the Core currently provides quantitative analysis of more than 100 distinct lipidmolecular species; and 3) providing synthetic molecular tools to study lipid metabolism (e.g., functionalizedand fluorescent ce ram ides, site-specific radioactive sphingolipids, 17C-sphingolipids) and diversifiedsynthetic lipids and analogs for cellular, in vitro, and in vivo studies (e.g., organelle-targeted sphingolipids andorganelle-targeted inhibitors of sphingolipid metabolizing enzymes). The Lipidomics Core has beeninstrumental to the success of the PPG investigators by providing them with unique capabilities and criticalresults that should continue to contribute for the successful progress of this PPG.
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