The Administration & Analysis Core C will continuously identify and accomplish administrative tasks relatedto the P01, provide timely biostatistical consultations and uniform analyses to all research projects andcores, and facilitate the communication and dissemination of research data among the investigators. P01leadership will use Core C to facilitate the oversight of the research projects and cores. Core C will ensureeffective and rapid communication and cooperation among investigators, projects, and cores. This core willalso assist in sharing our research data with other investigators both within and outside of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSK). The Administration & Analysis Core C will provide: (1) administrative,editorial, and academic services; regulatory and reporting services, including preparation of annual reportsand renewals, to all investigators; (2) communication and sharing of biostatistical methodologies andresearch results with other MSK research groups (in cooperation with the Information Engineering Core B);(3) rapid consultations and consistent biostatistical analyses for similar data sets and operations acrosscores and projects; (4) budget management; and (5) support of the oversight activities of the Executive andScientific Advisory committees. The Administration & Analysis Core C centralizes, expands, and improvesthe operational capabilities of all the individual research projects and cores, avoids duplication, and ensuresoptimum utilization of resources. The MSK Lung P01 Administrator supported by this Core will meet weeklywith the Principal Investigator and monthly with the Executive Committee to assist them in monitoring thestatus of operations so that the research supported by the grant proceeds as rapidly and efficiently aspossible. The MSK Lung P01 Administrator, working with the Principal Investigator and Co-PrincipalInvestigator, will prepare and distribute a yearly progress report for the Executive and the Internal andExternal Scientific Advisory Committees to assist in their annual review and oversight. The Administration &Analysis Core A supports the Principal Investigator, Executive Committee, Advisory Committees, researchprojects and other cores; and provides services that are essential for the P01 to function as an integratedresearch program to develop new targets for treatment in persons with adenocarcinoma of the lung.
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