Since the 1970s, a number of changes have dramatically altered the context in which youth and adults become parents. The proposed study addresses the implications of these changes for the transition to biological parenthood among U.S. adolescents and adults, with a particular focus on early fatherhood and its circumstances. Toward this end, we plan on answering these questions: How do social policies, in addition to economic and family-demographic factors, influence the timing and circumstances of biological parenthood? What influence do these factors have on behaviors that condition the timing and circumstances of biological parenthood, specifically, union formation, sexual behavior, and reproductive behavior? How does the influence of different factors on biological parenthood differ by historical period, race, and socioeconomic status? To answer these questions, we will use data from several nationally representative surveys. We also plan to utilize a data set to be developed by the P01 core that will include economic, family-demographic, and policy variables at the state, county, and neighborhood levels for the years during which sample members are at risk of becoming a parent. Our models will estimate the effects of variables measured at several levels on the risk of becoming a parent.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD)
Research Program Projects (P01)
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Special Emphasis Panel (ZHD1)
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Goldscheider, Frances K; Hofferth, Sandra L; Curtin, Sally C (2014) Parenthood and Leaving Home in Young Adulthood. Popul Res Policy Rev 33:771-796
Cabrera, Natasha; Hofferth, Sandra L; Hancock, Gregory (2014) Family structure, maternal employment, and change in children's externalizing problem behaviour: Differences by age and self-regulation. Eur J Dev Psychol 11:136-158
Joyner, Kara; Peters, H Elizabeth; Hynes, Kathryn et al. (2012) The quality of male fertility data in major U.S. surveys. Demography 49:101-24
Hofferth, Sandra L; Pleck, Joseph H; Vesely, Colleen K (2012) The Transmission of Parenting from Fathers to Sons. Parent Sci Pract 12:282-305
Manlove, Jennifer; Wildsmith, Elizabeth; Welti, Kate et al. (2012) Relationship Characteristics and the Relationship Context of Nonmarital First Births Among Young Adult Women. Soc Sci Q 93:506-520
Hofferth, Sandra L; Pinzon, Angela M (2011) Do Nonresidential Fathers' Financial Support and Contact Improve Children's Health? J Fam Econ Issues 32:280-295
Hofferth, Sandra L; Goldscheider, Frances (2010) Family structure and the transition to early parenthood. Demography 47:415-37
Hofferth, Sandra L; Goldscheider, Frances (2010) Does Change in Young Men's Employment Influence Fathering? Fam Relat 59:479-493
Hofferth, Sandra L; Forry, Nicole D; Peters, H Elizabeth (2010) Child Support, Father-Child Contact, and Preteens' Involvement with Nonresidential Fathers: Racial/Ethnic Differences. J Fam Econ Issues 31:14-32
Astone, Nan Marie; Dariotis, Jacinda; Sonenstein, Freya et al. (2010) Men's Work Efforts and the Transition to Fatherhood. J Fam Econ Issues 31:3-13

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