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Kragel, Philip A; Kano, Michiko; Van Oudenhove, Lukas et al. (2018) Generalizable representations of pain, cognitive control, and negative emotion in medial frontal cortex. Nat Neurosci 21:283-289
Ginty, Annie T; Muldoon, Matthew F; Kuan, Dora C H et al. (2017) Omega-3 Supplementation and the Neural Correlates of Negative Affect and Impulsivity: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Midlife Adults. Psychosom Med 79:549-556
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Marsland, Anna L; Kuan, Dora C-H; Sheu, Lei K et al. (2017) Systemic inflammation and resting state connectivity of the default mode network. Brain Behav Immun 62:162-170
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John-Henderson, Neha A; Marsland, Anna L; Kamarck, Thomas W et al. (2016) Childhood Socioeconomic Status and the Occurrence of Recent Negative Life Events as Predictors of Circulating and Stimulated Levels of Interleukin-6. Psychosom Med 78:91-101
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