Use continuation pages as neededto provide the required information in the format shown below. Start with Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s). List all other senior/key personnel in alphabetical order, last name first. Name eRA Commons User Name Organization Role on Project Wilson, James M. WILSONJM University of Pennsylvania PI Wang, Lili LILIWANG University of Pennsylvania Co-Pi OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTORS Name Organization Role on Project Riley, James University of Pennsylvania Collaborator Grompe, Marcus Oregon Health &Science University Collaborator Human Embryonic Stem Cells ^ No Q Yes If the proposedproject Involves humanembryonic stem cells, list below the registration number of the specificcell line(s) from the following list: Usecontinuation pages as needed. If a specific line cannot be referenced at this time, include a statement that one from the Registry will be used. Cell Line PHS 398 (Rev. 11/07) Page t,1 Form Page 2-continued Number the following pages consecutivelythroughout the application. Do not use suffixes such as 4a, 4b, PROJECT I Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Wilson, James M. / WilSOH, James M. The name of the program director/principal investigator must be provided at the top of each printed page and each continuation page. RESEARCH GRANT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Numbers Description, Project/
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