IntroductionThe reviewers felt that 'the core is well designed and essential to the proper functioning ofthe Program Project'. No responses are therefore necessary for this Core. Changes areindicated by vertical line in left margin.Rationale and ProceduresThe administrative structure of this Program Project Grant, the responsibilities and the dutiesof the Program Director, have been outlined under 'Organization and AdministrativeStructure' of the Program Overview. Briefly, these include:1. Scientific Responsibilitiesa. Scientific integration, coordination and direction of research projects as needed.b. Encouraging and supporting exploration of new avenues of research and phasingout unpromising research.c. Recruitment of new investigators with promising expertise and direction.d. Consultation with internal advisors and consultants concerning importance andprogress of the research.e. Preparation of scientific progress reports and renewal applications.f. Planning scientific work-in-progress sessions, special seminars and symposia.g. Coordinate and fund use of the Statistical Consulting Center.The Director is aided in these functions primarily by the Co-Director and the members of theInternal Advisory and Executive Committees, and the Extramural Advisory Board.2. Administrative Responsibilitiesa. Following NIH guidelines for Program Project Grant support.b. Allocation of budgets in accordance with NIH policies, recommendations andscientific productivity of projects.Careful justification of expenditures, explorations of more economical or efficientways of using resources, equipment, or supplies.d. Aiding investigators in projecting expenditures and reporting monthly onexpenditures and balance.e. Allocation of travel funds among investigators and research associates in anequitable and fair manner. Allocation of travel for Drs. Davisson and Sharma toperiodically return to Iowa City. Allocation of travel for Pis, postdoctoral fellows andgraduate students to visit Cornell University.f. Preparing annual budgets and projections.g. Circulation of announcements of important events related to the PPG Program.h. Keeping departmental chairs whose members participate in the PPG informed ofdevelopments, effort, contributions, and salary support.i. Informing the Dean of progress, scientific direction, administrative problems andfuture plans.j. Holding regular meetings of the Executive Committee.k. Arrange monthly conference calls between Pis and co-investigators in Iowa withDrs. Davisson and Sharma at Cornell University.
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