Core Component B: Data Core The goal of the Data Core is to ensure that the conceptual links across the four projects are converted into a process of data collection and manipulation that enables accurate measurement of the variables of interest. The primary functions of the Data Core are to acquire the necessary databases and provide the technical expertise needed to create the derived variables used in the primary analyses. In conjunction with the Steering Committee, the Data Core will: acquire data from multiple sources (HealthPages, General Motors/NCQA, Interstudy, MEDSTAT, Westlaw, Lexis/Nexis, BNA Health Report, Duke University Advertising Arch9ives, Burelle's, AIS, MEPS, CSHSC); perform a variety of linkages between databases; provide access to existing in-house databases (ARF, AHA, purchaser coalition data); derived new variables from several of the datasets and link these to specific MSAs or states; offer statistical consulting to and perform statistical analyses for each of the projects; collaborate with the Center for Studying Health System Change and individual project leaders to create 'portraits' of specific MSAs; provide data support in the preparation of research reports and publications. Harold S. Luft will direct the Data Core and will chair the Steering Committee, which will include the four Project Leaders and John R. C. Wheeler, who heads the UM Data Core component.
Maeng, Daniel D; Scanlon, Dennis P; Chernew, Michael E et al. (2010) The relationship between health plan performance measures and physician network overlap: implications for measuring plan quality. Health Serv Res 45:1005-23 |
Scanlon, Dennis P; Swaminathan, Shailender; Lee, Woolton et al. (2008) Does competition improve health care quality? Health Serv Res 43:1931-51 |
Swaminathan, Shailender; Chernew, Michael; Scanlon, Dennis P (2008) Persistence of HMO performance measures. Health Serv Res 43:2033-49 |
Chernew, Michael; Gibson, Teresa B (2008) Cost sharing and HEDIS performance. Med Care Res Rev 65:713-28 |
Haas, Jennifer S; Fitzmaurice, Garrett; Brawarsky, Phyllis et al. (2007) Association of regional variation in primary care physicians'colorectal cancer screening recommendations with individual use of colorectal cancer screening. Prev Chronic Dis 4:A90 |
Phillips, Kathryn A; Liang, Su-Ying; Ladabaum, Uri et al. (2007) Trends in colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening. Med Care 45:160-7 |
Liang, Su-Ying; Phillips, Kathryn A; Nagamine, Mika et al. (2006) Rates and predictors of colorectal cancer screening. Prev Chronic Dis 3:A117 |
Gellad, Walid F; Huskamp, Haiden A; Phillips, Kathryn A et al. (2006) How the new medicare drug benefit could affect vulnerable populations. Health Aff (Millwood) 25:248-55 |
Liang, Su-Ying; Phillips, Kathryn A; Haas, Jennifer S (2006) Measuring managed care and its environment using national surveys: a review and assessment. Med Care Res Rev 63:9S-36S |
Phillips, Kathryn A; Van Bebber, Stephanie; Marshall, Deborah et al. (2006) A review of studies examining stated preferences for cancer screening. Prev Chronic Dis 3:A75 |
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