ADMINISTRATIVE ComponentThe NCCU NCMHD Research Center will have an Administrative Core as a key component of itsorganizational structure. This Core will be located in the JLC-BBRI where an experienced administrative teamis already providing grants management support to a variety of research programs and investigator-initiatedresearch grants. The Center's Administrative Core will be responsible for establishing and maintaining allresearch partnerships, advisory boards, cores, training, and community activities; as well as selecting corefaculty and research projects to be conducted within the Center; and overseeing the process for soliciting,reviewing, and selecting pilot projects. The Administrative Core will be responsible for the allocation andoversight of all Center resources including funding for pilot projects that will be dedicated to stimulating juniorfaculty development. The Administrative Core Director will work cooperatively with the Center's corecomponent leaders, the BRITE Director and the leadership from relevant NCCU/collaborating institutionacademic units to develop curricula and/or course modules that expand training for NCCU faculty andstudents, ultimately leading to the development of new concentrations and degree programs. Training willinclude hands-on research in the JLC-BBRI, BRITE, and partner institution laboratories, as well as participationin seminars, workshops, and other professional development activities. The Administrative Core will assistwith coordinating the technology transfer and infrastructure enhancement/expansion projects; disseminatingresearch information to NCMHD, the scientific community and lay public; and cooperating with NCMHD staffand administrators to ensure timely implementation of the Center's program goals and objectives. Overall,effective operation of the Administrative Core will enable the Center to become a valued, trusted, institutionwideresource for expanding NCCU's capacity to conduct minority health and health disparities research. Inaddition, the Administrative Core will inform NCCU faculty, the faculty at partner institutions, and^all otherstakeholders on key issues and approaches undertaken to address minority health and health disparities. It willplay a pivotal role in facilitating interactions between NCCU faculty and staff, and their counterparts at thepartner institutions.
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