EXCEED THE SPACEPROVIDED.This COBRE has exploited one of the few areas of biomedical research where Oklahoma has been in theforefront in recent years,which is the genome-scale analysis of bacterial pathogenesis. We proposed toestablish a COBRE,with the thematic focus of Functional Genomic/Proteomic Analysis of Bacterial-HostInteractions. Four junior investigators were funded on the three main state university campuses. Weachieved a phenomenal success rate. All these individuals have subsequently received peer-reviewed NIHfunding and rotated off the grant. Their successes have allowed us to fund an additional four investigatorswho in are various stages of completion of their research projects. The original COBREwas structured as atypical Program Project Grant, but focused on young, developing scientists in the state of Oklahoma. Fromyears 2 -5 we have evolved the structure and operation of the grant to keep pace with changes insubsequent iterations of the original RFA (RR-00-003). This included a maximum of three years of funding,graduation procedures, more structured roles for mentors, inclusion 4 junior projects and 2 one-year pilotprojects. This application continues the main theme with a more directed focus into proteomics. To supportthis goal, we are establishing a proteomics core laboratory and we are recruiting a proteomics magnetinvestigator. Institutional support for this position includes a dedicated tenure-earning position and ainstitutionally funded start-up package enhancement. We also have reserved funds in years 2-5 to assist allOklahoma institutions associated with this COBREand the Oklahoma INBRE grant in recruitment efforts toattract investigators who are consistent with the research theme. Further, in association with the Pis of thetwo other COBREgrants on campus, we are instituting joint research retreats and meetings to enhanceinterdisciplinary research opportunities among our funded investigators. The COBRE is headed by anestablished NIH-funded investigator who leads a state-wide initiative along with the INBRE-PI that includesthe three major publicly-supported research institutions in the state of Oklahoma and a network of 12institutions including Oklahoma's only historically black university, an undergraduate institution with thehighest number of native Americans of any college in the nation, Oklahoma's only tribal college and severalother institutions with large numbers of students from under-represented groups.
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