This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. Our research interest is to identify factors contributing to male and female subfertility and infertility. Our original project is to characterize the potential role of hedgehog signaling molecules patched 1 and suppressor of fused using Ptcmes/mes and Sufu+/-;Ptc1mes/mes in the ovarian development. Due to minor ovarian defects in those mutant mice, we have shifted our focus on the studies of other molecules including FGFRs and male germ cell-expressing zinc finger proteins in reproduction using mutant mouse models. Generation and functional analyses of these mutant mice will provide insight into the pathogenesis of human subfertility or infertility.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)
Exploratory Grants (P20)
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National Center for Research Resources Initial Review Group (RIRG)
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University of Louisville
Schools of Dentistry
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Jin, Jiu-Zhen; Lei, Zhenmin; Lan, Zi-Jian et al. (2018) Inactivation of Fgfr2 gene in mouse secondary palate mesenchymal cells leads to cleft palate. Reprod Toxicol 77:137-142
Liu, Lingyun; He, Yan; Guo, Kaimin et al. (2017) Ggnbp2-Null Mutation in Mice Leads to Male Infertility due to a Defect at the Spermiogenesis Stage. Am J Pathol 187:2508-2519
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Lan, Zi-Jian; Hu, YunHui; Zhang, Sheng et al. (2016) GGNBP2 acts as a tumor suppressor by inhibiting estrogen receptor ? activity in breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat 158:263-76
Neal, Rachel E; Chen, Jing; Webb, Cindy et al. (2016) Developmental cigarette smoke exposure II: Hepatic proteome profiles in 6 month old adult offspring. Reprod Toxicol 65:414-424
Neal, Rachel E; Jagadapillai, Rekha; Chen, Jing et al. (2016) Developmental cigarette smoke exposure II: Kidney proteome profile alterations in 6 month old adult offspring. Reprod Toxicol 65:425-435
Warner, Dennis R; Smith, Scott C; Smolenkova, Irina A et al. (2016) Inhibition of p300 histone acetyltransferase activity in palate mesenchyme cells attenuates Wnt signaling via aberrant E-cadherin expression. Exp Cell Res 342:32-8
Neal, Rachel E; Jagadapillai, Rekha; Chen, Jing et al. (2016) Developmental cigarette smoke exposure II: Hippocampus proteome and metabolome profiles in adult offspring. Reprod Toxicol 65:436-447

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