This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. The mission of Proteomics Core Facility is to help researchers advance their biomedical research programs in Louisiana State University and the Louisiana Cancer and Gene Therapy Consortia. The Proteomics Core Facility is equipped with gel electrophoresis units, image analyzers and digitizers, and robotics for mass spectrometry sample preparation. Currently, a Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometer instrument implements protein identification. The various applications include the studies of protein expression profile, post-translational modifications, and partial sequencing of novel proteins, to the staff will also consult with researchers about their particular research interests and assist with the development of specific applications and the solution to problems.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)
Exploratory Grants (P20)
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Study Section
Special Emphasis Panel (ZRR1-RI-8 (01))
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Louisiana State University Hsc New Orleans
Schools of Medicine
New Orleans
United States
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Rodriguez, Paulo C; Ochoa, Augusto C; Al-Khami, Amir A (2017) Arginine Metabolism in Myeloid Cells Shapes Innate and Adaptive Immunity. Front Immunol 8:93
Sanchez, Maria Dulfary; Ochoa, Augusto C; Foster, Timothy P (2016) Development and evaluation of a host-targeted antiviral that abrogates herpes simplex virus replication through modulation of arginine-associated metabolic pathways. Antiviral Res 132:13-25
Dai, Lu; Bai, Lihua; Lin, Zhen et al. (2016) Transcriptomic analysis of KSHV-infected primary oral fibroblasts: The role of interferon-induced genes in the latency of oncogenic virus. Oncotarget 7:47052-47060
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Dai, Lu; Trillo-Tinoco, Jimena; Bai, Aiping et al. (2015) Ceramides promote apoptosis for virus-infected lymphoma cells through induction of ceramide synthases and viral lytic gene expression. Oncotarget 6:24246-60
Geng, Degui; Kaczanowska, Sabina; Tsai, Alexander et al. (2015) TLR5 Ligand-Secreting T Cells Reshape the Tumor Microenvironment and Enhance Antitumor Activity. Cancer Res 75:1959-1971
Dai, Lu; Trillo-Tinoco, Jimena; Cao, Yueyu et al. (2015) Targeting HGF/c-MET induces cell cycle arrest, DNA damage, and apoptosis for primary effusion lymphoma. Blood 126:2821-31
Dai, Lu; Cao, Yueyu; Chen, Yihan et al. (2015) Genomic analysis of xCT-mediated regulatory network: Identification of novel targets against AIDS-associated lymphoma. Oncotarget 6:12710-22
Dai, Lu; Chen, Yihan; Bonstaff, Karlie et al. (2015) Induction of hyaluronan production by oncogenic KSHV and the contribution to viral pathogenesis in AIDS patients. Cancer Lett 362:158-66

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