The Scientific Instrumentation Facility and its personnel provide three types of services related tolaboratory equipment and facilities to UWCCC investigators. First, it maintains an array of commonlyrequired scientific equipment for shared use at the Clinical Science Center (CSC) in close proximity tothe clinical facilities and the McArdle Laboratory, in close proximity to the nucleus of basic sciencedepartments. The shared equipment includes centrifuges, scintillation counters, phosphorimagers,fluorimagers, Class III biosafety cabinets, ice machines, and water purification units. The facilityprovides support for the purchase of these types of shared equipment, installation, and preventivemaintenance and repair; it also coordinates repair services for all investigator-owned commonlaboratory instruments. Second, it affords access to and training in the use of a BL-3 level containmentfacility located in the McArdle Laboratory that enables UWCCC members to work safely with extremehuman pathogens, such as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or Hepatitis B Virus. Finally, SIFfacilitates the relocation of personnel or laboratory equipment, coordinates all remodeling projects, andestablishes customized laboratory facilities for new faculty by coordinating with the University PhysicalPlant and Engineering Craft services. This shared resource maintains an inventory of UWCCCequipment and usage, and facilitates the enforcement of UWCCC security, safety, and spacemanagement policies.
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