The Pharmacology Core Facility conducts clinical pharmacology, biochemical correlates, andpharmacogenetic studies with the aim of improving the quality of life and outcome for cancer patients.The Facility is essential for the development, validation, and implementation of analytical methods toassess the effect of pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics, and for measuring biochemical correlatesnecessary to optimize drug administration schedules. Some novel anticancer therapies requiredetermination of the optimal dose based on a biochemical endpoint and the Pharmacology Core isequipped to define the bio-modulatory dose. The Facility offers DMA and RNA isolation forpharmacogenetic studies. The Scientific Director of the Facility is M. Eileen Dolan, PhD, and theTechnical Directors are Jacqueline Ramirez, MS (Analytical Component) and Shannon Delaney(Biochemical Component). Dr. Dolan has extensive experience in biochemical enzyme assays, drugmetabolism, and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies of anticancer agents. Ms. Ramirez andDelaney are responsible for quality control, analytical method development, maintenance of analyticalequipment, and preparation of reports. The Facility renders analytical and biochemical services toinvestigators within the University (both members and non-members of the UCCRC), as well asinvestigators at other Cancer Centers. In addition, Dr. Dolan provides consultative services on studyand assay design.
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