Since the previous review, there have been 24 recruits to the Cancer Institute: seven translational, eightbasic scientists, and nine clinical. Table 7.5.1 shows recruitments to date. While NYUCI institutional fundswere used to support the expense of these recruits CCSG funds were used to fund pilot projects in thelaboratories of many of these recruits, and to fund new cores without which these recruitments would nothave been possible (e.g. Genomics Facility and siRNA core). As mentioned in Section 6.0 NYUCI recruitmenttook place in three phases during the last funding period. The first phase focused on key recruits withsignificant cancer focus that would complement the existing community. Thus the recruitment of Drs.Bhardwaj and O'Neill extended existing excellence in immunology to include immunotherapy as well asadding melanoma to our CCSG disease based programs that already included Genitourinary and BreastCancer. The Chair of the Department of Pathology, David Roth, MD, PhD, and Co-Program Leader of theImmunology Program loaned the Cancer Institute space for the early recruitments of Drs. Bhardwaj, Dynlachtand O'Neill. This year, Drs. Bhardwaj and Dynlacht have since moved into the Cancer Research Center andDr. O'Neill to the Vaccine Facility.The second phase focused on increasing depth in the clinical program with specific investments in recruitsthat would expand clinical services and research capabilities. The Clinical Cancer Center opened July 2004,and recruitment for disease based, programmatically aligned clinicians (e.g. Novik, Axelrod, Tiersten,Chandra, Skinner and others) prior to its opening provided for an environment of multi-disciplinary clinicalresearch and care from its inception. Currently the NYUCI has 12 Disease Management Groups. Finally, withthe opening of the Smilow Research Center May 2006, the three research floors of the Cancer Research Centeropened and the newest recruits arrived on campus (Dasgupta, Yamasaki, Cho, Krogsgaard, Trombetta).Developmental Funds were earmarked to recruit a Deputy Director for Clinical Research to build theclinical research enterprise and foster collaborations across research entities to translate laboratory findings inthe clinic, to recruit a molecular epidemiologist to bridge research within various programs, and build acollaborative and interactive Epidemiology and Prevention Program. These priorities were based upon theinitiatives of the Strategic Plan and the recommendations of the EAB. In 2005, William Carroll, MD wasnamed the Deputy Director for the Cancer Institute, responsible for the clinical research enterprise. We were,however, unsuccessful in recruiting a Molecular Epidemiologist, and in 2005, Dr. Roy Shore, the AssociateDirector for Epidemiology and Prevention took a position in Japan, and recruitment efforts to fill this positionbecame our highest priority. In early 2006, a candidate was in final negotiations, yet decided to stay at hisinstitution. The CI is actively recruiting for both positions and is in preliminary negotiations with one of thefinal candidates for the Associate Director position; our plan is to have this position filled by the Site Visit.
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