The Mouse Models Resource (MMR) provides TJL Cancer Center investigators with access toapproximately 800 of the 2,900 publicly available strains available from TJL's Genetic ResourceRepository. The MMR also provides information about these strains, and the expertise of scientists in theGenetic Resource Program. The live Resource, together with Resource strains available from theCryopreservation Resource comprises the Genetic Resource Repository and is the largest single collectionof genetically defined mouse strains anywhere in the world. The Mouse Models Resource provides TJLCancer Center members with small numbers of mice from the Repository free of charge. Cancer Centermembers can obtain breeding pairs and small numbers of mutants and controls from mutant strains, orindividual mice from strain panels. Cancer Center members add value to the strains by furthercharacterizing them; this scientific information is added to the strain information database from resultingpublications or by electronic transmission directly into the Mouse Phenome Database for strain panels. TheResource contains mouse strains carrying spontaneous, induced, and genetically engineered mutations;mice with chromosome aberrations; and special inbred strains and strain panels, including wild-derivedinbred, congenic, Recombinant Inbred (Rl), and consomic strains. For insurance against loss andeconomic management of very low demand strains, all strains are cryopreserved as embryos or gametesthrough the Reproductive Sciences program, and DNA from most strains is available through the MouseDNA Resource in Genome Sciences. Genetic Resource Technical Information Scientists gather, curate,and maintain the operational and scientific information about these strains. Mouse Models Resourcepersonnel provide genetic expertise and advice, and colony maintenance advice, including specialhusbandry needs and biological information, about the mice in the Resource. Resource personnel alsoprovide a core of geneticists who have many years of experience and extensive knowledge and expertisein a variety of areas related to gene mapping, mouse genetics, and mouse husbandry and biology. TheMMR occupies 7,345 ft2 of vivarium and procedure space in Building 32 and the Functional GenomicsBuilding. Dr. Muriel Davisson, Senior Staff Scientist, Director of Genetic Resources, is the Project Leaderresponsible for administration and coordination of Mouse Models Resource programs with each other andwith other Resources and Scientific Services at TJL.
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