Cancer Center Administration The UPMC Hillman Cancer Center (HCC) Administrative Core (Admin Core) provides infrastructure to facilitate and stimulate the cancer research, education, and outreach activities of 280 HCC faculty members in 7 research programs, with particular focus on research that is transdisciplinary and translational. It also supports the HCC Director, Senior Leaders, Program Leaders, Shared Resources Directors, and internal and external advisors, through effective strategic planning and evaluation, operational management, and centralized data resources. The Admin Core supports the matrix Cancer Center by overseeing one of the largest research units ($115M overall budget in FY2020) at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt). It provides grant and fiscal management and other administrative services for 128 HCC faculty in center-controlled space and 10 state-of-the-art Shared Resources, many residing in 530,795 ft2 of HCC-controlled space that is also managed by administrative staff. The Admin Core is responsible for: performing human resource functions and administering partial salary support for >1,200 FTEs; managing the Cancer Center?s finances, personnel, grants and contracts, purchasing, and philanthropy; providing administrative and financial oversight to HCC?s shared resources; overseeing space utilization and common equipment; facilitating faculty recruitment efforts; managing Cancer Center membership; facilitating pilot award programs; and coordinating planning and evaluation activities that include faculty surveys, leadership and programmatic meetings, seminars, annual retreat, and internal and External Advisory Board meetings. The Admin Core also supports communication to HCC faculty members and the larger Pitt community through newsletters, publications, and a website; and educates residents of our 29-county western Pennsylvania catchment area and lawmakers regarding HCC activities and other cancer- related issues, through outreach efforts. The Admin Core monitors and reports member accomplishments, funding, and other cancer-related activities to the Senior Leadership Team as a part of an annual membership evaluation, and for reporting HCC progress to the National Cancer Institute. Admin Core accomplishments during 2015-2019 included: significantly contributing to HCC research program restructuring; developing new Microbiome and Population Survey shared resources and a formal pilot grant program; recruiting and onboarding over 40 new faculty members; and facilitating submission of several large team science multi-component grants. For CCSG year 32, the Center requests $146,605 to support partial salary for 10 FTEs plus costs for supplies, travel, and other operational expenses. The Admin Core represents 3.5% of the total CCSG budget request and 2.2% of the overall HCC Administration annual operating budget ($6.6M).
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