The primary objective of the Experimental Tissue Shared Resource (ETR) is to provide basic, translational, andclinical researchers within the Cancer Center access to, and analysis of, human and animal tissues. A keyadvantage is that this Core leverages the technical and professional expertise of the Department of Pathologyand Laboratory Medicine. Four service lines are currently offered: 1) Tissue Procurement and InterpretiveHistopathology Consultation, 2) Tissue Histology and IHC services, 3) Laser Capture microdissection, and 4)Mouse Pathology services. In the prior full funding period, 69 CFCCC Members have used ETR services, anincrease of 10% over the prior 5-year funding period. Fifteen clients have been provided letters of collaboration forcancer-focused grant proposals, and 6 junior faculty members have been mentored with regard to developing tissueprocurement or analysis aims in grant proposals. The histology component has provided high-quality service atbelow-market recharge rates, with short turn-around times for CFCCC members who are mainly pursuingtranslational research on human cancer specimens or studying animal models of human cancer. Thesefeatures have made our histology services superior to those available from commercial vendors, contributing tousage growth. ETR services contributed to 58 publications in the previous 5 years, from 36 different CFCCCPrincipal Investigators. Interpretive histopathology services have been particularly valuable to investigatorspursuing translational and clinical research projects. In the coming funding period, priorities for growing theservice include updating the IRB and prospective informed consent process for tissue banking, addingcryostorage space and specimen processing capabilities for bone marrow aspirate collection, andimplementing new data management tools for the intake, inventory, QC/QA, and disbursement of researchtissues.
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