Biopolymer Shared ServiceThe Biopolymer Shared Service (SS) uses state-of-the-art instrumentation to support molecular biologybasedresearch through services that include DNA/RNA synthesis, DMA sequencing, genotyping, andpeptide synthesis. The facility provides these services to the entire University of Maryland campus. TheUniversity of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center's (UMGCC's) membershipaccounts for about one fourth of the facility's use.The Biopolymer SS synthesizes oligonucleotides with a rapid 24-hour turnaround time. The facility alsoroutinely synthesizes specialty oligonucleotides, such as SiRNA, and dual-labeled fluorescence resonanceenergy transfer probes, molecular beacons, and antisense oligonucleotides in a rapid, cost-effectivemanner. The addition of a 96-capillary array DNA sequencer (ABI 3730XL) to the facility has greatlyenhanced this service, decreasing chargeback costs and turnaround time and increasing throughput. AnAffymetrix GeneChip System 3000 7G supports microarray-based expression and genome-wide associationstudies. The use of synthetic peptides in this research environment has expanded through the facility'sability to provide modified peptides, such as cyclic peptides, via multiple methodologies, labeled peptides,and complex multibranched polymers. The Biopolymer SS will incorporate an Illumina (formerly Solexa)Genome Analyzer in fall 2007, with significant support from UMGCC. This next-generation sequencer willenhance the capabilities to detect novel, cancer-associated mutations and provide a unique platform fordetermining changes in gene expression.Additionally, the Biopolymer SS embodies an intellectual reservoir for the development of innovativetechnology. The facility's partnership with investigators greatly enhances its research programs. The sharedservice has also developed novel peptide standards in conjunction with the National Institute of Standardsand Technology; these will serve as standard reference material for drug validation and instrumentcalibration. The facility has received competitive shared instrumentation grants, allowing it to provide highlyeffective support of cutting-edge research with state-of-the-art instrumentation. This effectiveness ismeasurable by the large number of publications that the facility has supported: more than 100 publicationsper year from members of UMGCC alone. Many of these publications focus on investigations funded by theNational Cancer Institute.
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