The Cellular and Molecular Morphology Core (Core B) of the Texas Medical Center (TMC) Digestive Disease Center (DDC) was founded in 2003, and it has played a key role in serving the needs of DDC members in the three institutions of the TMC DDC by providing expertise and specialized laboratory facilities. The Core provides a wide range of essential services of high utility via three sub-cores: Pathology (B1), Integrated Microscopy (B2) and RNA In Situ Hybridization (B3), each with a dedicated leader ? Director with or without a Co-Director, staff and equipment; these sub-cores work together to serve DDC investigators by assisting scientists with experimental design, data acquisition and data interpretation. The major services provided by this Core include histology, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, enzyme histochemistry, RNA in situ hybridization, confocal and deconvolution microscopy, super-resolution and high throughput microscopy, transmission, scanning, and immunoelectron microscopy, quantitative morphometry and high content single cell image analysis, laser capture dissection for molecular genetic analyses, and digital imaging for publications. The Core also provides consultation and training in the proper collection, fixation, storage and handling of human and animal tissues. A major benefit of the Core is utilization of information and expertise gained from diverse projects in individual laboratories to enhance the productivity of all. This is accomplished through workshops and meetings of the user groups at which new data, methods, and procedures are presented and their applicability to diverse investigations are demonstrated. This Core has been highly productive and beneficial for members of the TMC DDC, particularly to Pilot and Feasibility (P/F) awardees. During this funding cycle, 48 of the 59 Full Members used this Core. The requests, billing and tracking of services the Core are exclusively handled via the DDC implemented iLab Solutions software. The new or enhanced Core services include triple in situ hybridization, super-resolution microscopy, high throughput microscopy and image analysis. The first accessible super-resolution instrument, the GE Healthcare OMX BLAZE, will be made available to DDC members. The Biotek Cytation 5, a microscope-in-a-box, is both a fully functional plate reader (absorbance, fluorescence and luminescence) and an advanced imager with four-color fluorescence, phase contrast, color brightfield, slide scanning, live capabilities, hyperbaric oxygen, automated scanning with basic image analysis and long distance objectives for imaging through cell culture vessels. For example, the addition of super-resolution microscopy techniques will allow DDC researchers to perform structural studies of viral infection, both in fixed and live samples. A new image analysis service is being used for 2D- 3D co-localization studies, and IHC quantitation. Subcore B1 has also titrated more than 150 antibodies for immunofolrescence assays.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Center Core Grants (P30)
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Study Section
Special Emphasis Panel (ZDK1)
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Baylor College of Medicine
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Graham, David Y; Dore, Maria Pina; Lu, Hong (2018) Understanding treatment guidelines with bismuth and non-bismuth quadruple Helicobacter pylori eradication therapies. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 16:679-687
Jarrett, Kelsey E; Lee, Ciaran; De Giorgi, Marco et al. (2018) Somatic Editing of Ldlr With Adeno-Associated Viral-CRISPR Is an Efficient Tool for Atherosclerosis Research. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 38:1997-2006
Call, Lee; Stoll, Barbara; Oosterloo, Berthe et al. (2018) Metabolomic signatures distinguish the impact of formula carbohydrates on disease outcome in a preterm piglet model of NEC. Microbiome 6:111
Yuan, Xiaoyi; Lee, Jae W; Bowser, Jessica L et al. (2018) Targeting Hypoxia Signaling for Perioperative Organ Injury. Anesth Analg 126:308-321
Donaldson, G P; Ladinsky, M S; Yu, K B et al. (2018) Gut microbiota utilize immunoglobulin A for mucosal colonization. Science 360:795-800
White, Donna L; Hoogeveen, Ron C; Chen, Liang et al. (2018) A prospective study of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products and adipokines in association with pancreatic cancer in postmenopausal women. Cancer Med 7:2180-2191
Wang, Changjun; Zaheer, Mahira; Bian, Fang et al. (2018) Sjögren-Like Lacrimal Keratoconjunctivitis in Germ-Free Mice. Int J Mol Sci 19:
Blutt, Sarah E; Crawford, Sue E; Ramani, Sasirekha et al. (2018) Engineered Human Gastrointestinal Cultures to Study the Microbiome and Infectious Diseases. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 5:241-251
Yu, Wangie; Chen, Yunyun; Dubrulle, Julien et al. (2018) Cisplatin generates oxidative stress which is accompanied by rapid shifts in central carbon metabolism. Sci Rep 8:4306
Mindikoglu, Ayse L; Pappas, Stephen C (2018) Predictors of Response to Terlipressin in Hepatorenal Syndrome. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 16:1174

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