Overall Objectives and Specific AimsThe overall goal of the Molecular Biology Facility Core is to provide Center Investigators access tosophisticated and state-of-the-art molecular techniques, services, and instrumentation. Because the Center ismultidisciplinary in nature, the level of support needed by different Center investigators varies widely.Consequently, the level of access offered by the Molecular Biology Facility Core varies from consultation andadvice on specific aspects of projects, through training on particular techniques and/or instruments available inthe Core, to complete molecular analyses from sample preparation to the final data analysis and interpretation.
The Specific Aims of Facility Core 1 are:1. to continue to provide molecular biology services and assays in response to the needs of CenterMembers, including a variety of DMA level techniques, comparative expression analysis and proteinseparation, identification and analysis;2. to provide instruction and assistance to Center investigator laboratories in the use of macroscopicimage equipment and computer software for digital image acquisition and analysis, sequence dataanalysis, and sequence database searching;3. to provide supervised access to realtime PCR, high throughput sequencing, fragment analysis, androbotic equipment;4. to provide expertise, consultation and training for a wide range of molecular biology procedures,especially in gene expression and protein expression techniques;5. to identify, introduce/develop, and implement new technologies and new assays to meet the needsof Center Members and the emerging needs of new Center initiatives.
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