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Gooding, Sarah W; Chrenek, Micah A; Ferdous, Salma et al. (2018) Set screw homogenization of murine ocular tissue, including the whole eye. Mol Vis 24:690-699
Peragallo, Jason H (2018) Effects of Brain Tumors on Vision in Children. Int Ophthalmol Clin 58:83-95
Harnish, Stacy M; Rodriguez, Amy D; Blackett, Deena Schwen et al. (2018) Aerobic Exercise as an Adjuvant to Aphasia Therapy: Theory, Preliminary Findings, and Future Directions. Clin Ther 40:35-48.e6
Peragallo, Jason H; Soares, Bruno P (2018) Vanishing Act: Gorham-Stout Disease Leading to Dynamic Cerebrospinal Fluid Abnormalities. J Neuroophthalmol 38:419-421
Struebing, Felix L; King, Rebecca; Li, Ying et al. (2018) Transcriptional Changes in the Mouse Retina after Ocular Blast Injury: A Role for the Immune System. J Neurotrauma 35:118-129
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Lu, Ye; Zhou, Diana; King, Rebecca et al. (2018) The genetic dissection of Myo7a gene expression in the retinas of BXD mice. Mol Vis 24:115-126
Peragallo, Jason H; Keller, Stephanie; van der Knaap, Marjo S et al. (2018) Retinopathy and optic atrophy: Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of pathogenic variants in the AARS2 gene. Ophthalmic Genet 39:99-102
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