ADMINISTRATIVE CORE: This proposal describes the Administrative core for the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI) P30 Center Core Grant for Vision Research. The purpose of the Administrative core is to 1) ensure equitable usage of the service cores;2) manage the P30 budget and resources;3) integrate core resources and coordinate activity among the core services;and 4) evaluate the core services and revise as user needs evolve. The administrative core is directed by the PI, Dr. Wiggs, with assistance from the resource core directors (Drs. Pierce and Pasquale), an Internal Advisory committee that includes the resource core directors and other senior staff, and an External Advisory Committee that includes the resource core directors as well as the Pis of the other two HMS P30s (Drs. Born and Zieske) and the PI of the MEEI NIDCD-funded P30 sCtpporting deafness research (Dr. Liberman).
The adminstrative core for the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary P30 Center Core Grant for Vision Research will ensure that the P30 grant resources are effectively and efficiently used by the core vision scientists.
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