The PRC Computer Core provides the traditional mix of hardware, software, networking and training services in support of the Center's research mission. In addition, since the last review, the archiving facilities and functions formerly performed by the Data Archive Core have been integrated into the Computer Core. Most of these services are provided by Social Science Research Computing (SRC) and the University of Chicago, which supplies the high-speed communications infrastructure. The Core describes its basic service delivery philosophy in terms of the University of Chicago's """"""""free market cultures,"""""""" with users acting as free agents to acquire services wherever they perceive the most beneficial outcome. The SRC is also the main computing resource for the NORC Research Centers, the Social Science Division of the University of Chicago, the Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies, and other social science researchers. In 1997, its predecessor, the old Social Science and Public Policy Computer Center was re-constituted, renamed SRC, and focused on research agendas. SRC has estimated that the PRC accounts for approximately half of the usage of the Data Archive and one-fourth to one-half of other services.

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Heuveline, Patrick; Hong, Savet (2016) One-Parent Families in Contemporary Cambodia. Marriage Fam Rev 52:216-242
Adsera, Alicia; Menendez, Alicia (2011) Fertility changes in Latin America in periods of economic uncertainty. Popul Stud (Camb) 65:37-56
Adsera, Alicia (2011) Where Are the Babies? Labor Market Conditions and Fertility in Europe. Eur J Popul 27:1-32
Das, Aniruddha; Parish, William L; Laumann, Edward O (2009) Masturbation in urban China. Arch Sex Behav 38:108-20
Wang, Tianfu; Parish, William L; Laumann, Edward O et al. (2009) Partner violence and sexual jealousy in China: a population-based survey. Violence Against Women 15:774-98
Zhang, Qi; Lauderdale, Diane; Mou, Shanshan et al. (2009) Socioeconomic disparity in healthcare-seeking behavior among Chinese Women with genitourinary symptoms. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 18:1833-9
Luo, Ye; Parish, William L; Laumann, Edward O (2008) A population-based study of childhood sexual contact in China: prevalence and long-term consequences. Child Abuse Negl 32:721-31
Parish, William L; Luo, Ye; Stolzenberg, Ross et al. (2007) Sexual practices and sexual satisfaction: a population based study of Chinese urban adults. Arch Sex Behav 36:5-20
Parish, William L; Das, Aniruddha; Laumann, Edward O (2006) Sexual harassment of women in urban China. Arch Sex Behav 35:411-25
Parish, William L; Wang, Tianfu; Laumann, Edward O et al. (2004) Intimate partner violence in China: national prevalence, risk factors and associated health problems. Int Fam Plan Perspect 30:174-81

Showing the most recent 10 out of 12 publications