Since its inception the Yeast Resource Center has specialized in extracting information about protein function from genome sequence. We began when the first eukaryotic genome was completed (budding yeast) and developed an array of technologies to decipher protein function from genome sequence. In this application, we make the natural progression towards understanding how protein variation affects protein levels, modification, function and structure. We propose to develop technologies in four areas: 1) To identify different protein variants or isoforms. 2) To quantify proteins by mass spectrometry with a focus on determining absolute levels of a protein. 3) To study how protein variation affects protein function. 4) To determine the structures of protein complexes not amenable to high-resolution methods such as x-ray crystallography and NMR.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Biotechnology Resource Grants (P41)
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Special Emphasis Panel (ZRG1)
Program Officer
Sheeley, Douglas
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University of Washington
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Smukowski Heil, Caiti; Burton, Joshua N; Liachko, Ivan et al. (2018) Identification of a novel interspecific hybrid yeast from a metagenomic spontaneously inoculated beer sample using Hi-C. Yeast 35:71-84
Ziegler, Yvonne S; Moresco, James J; Tu, Patricia G et al. (2018) Proteomic analysis identifies highly expressed plasma membrane proteins for detection and therapeutic targeting of specific breast cancer subtypes. Clin Proteomics 15:30
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Fong, Kimberly K; Zelter, Alex; Graczyk, Beth et al. (2018) Novel phosphorylation states of the yeast spindle pole body. Biol Open 7:
González, Delfina P; Lamb, Helen V; Partida, Diana et al. (2018) CBD-1 organizes two independent complexes required for eggshell vitelline layer formation and egg activation in C. elegans. Dev Biol 442:288-300

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