The Research Support Core (Core B) of the Superfund Basic Research Program at the Universityof Kentucky (UK-SBRP) will perform the vital role of supporting the research activities of all biomedicaland non-biomedical projects. The main objective of Core B is to provide a central facility that willenhance and develop the research capabilities of the University of Kentucky SBRP (UK SBRP),particularly in the areas of systems biology, bioinformatics/biostatistics, proteomics, and PCBanalysis. Creation of a central facility in these research areas is critical to study the impact of nutritionon the toxicity of environmental pollutants (primarily PCBs). Establishment of a coordinated effort in theform of one Research Support Core will maximize both the research and cost effectiveness of UKSBRP.Core B consists of four entities (namely, Systems Biology, Bioinformatics/Biostatistical Analysis,Proteomics, and Analytical Components) directed by an expert in each area.
The Aims of Core B are:1. Cross-link the individual research projects by developing a unified data managementinfrastructure and by providing feedback information to guide the process of discoveringcommon pathways and mechanisms of modulatory effects of diets on vascular pathology ofPCBs.2 Integrate diverse biological data from the individual research projects in order to generate acomprehensive systems biology model of the effects of nutrition on PCB-induced vasculartoxicity.3. Develop and provide analytical services, expertise, and technical support in the areas ofbioinformatics, proteomics, and PCB analysis.4. Provide training and support on using bioinformatics and systems biology tools as well asanalytical chemistry approaches for toxicology research to all investigators involved in theUK-SBRP.Core B will bind together critical research activities of individual projects to enhance the overallresearch potential and success of UK-SBRP. Thus, it will not only offer research services but will alsobe critical for integration of individual research projects into a unified entity. In addition to providing auniform platform for generation and computational analysis of high-throughput data (microarrays andproteomics), the Core will employ the systems biology approaches to create predictive models to betteranticipate the effects of nutrition on toxicity of superfund chemicals.
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