The Animal and Behavior Core will provide services, technical assistance and training needed for thebreeding and behavioral testing of the knockout and knock-in mice that will be examined by the investigatorswithin the research components. Centralized breeding and genotyping will maximize efficiency and allow forthe development and use of a centralized system for tracking the production and use of all mice createdunder this center. In addition, the Animal and Behavior Core will standardize the methods and the analysesfor alcohol-related behavioral testing for mice and rats. A series of behavioral tests will evaluate the acutesedating and ataxic effects of alcohol, as well as the reinforcing and rewarding properties of alcohol, in micegenerated by the research components. The Core will instruct research personnel in the conduct of otherbehavioral studies, as needed. By conducting the bulk of the behavioral testing within the Core, we ensurethat the procedures are performed, and the data are analyzed, in a consistent manner, allowing for maximalcomparability of the effects of different genetic manipulations across center projects. The Core willadditionally seek to develop a useful and reliable protocol for operant self-administration of alcohol by micethat produces a maximal level of alcohol intake for future use by the research components.
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