The main objective of the Data Management / GIS / Biostatistics Core C is to centralize thedesign, implementation and monitoring of all data processing activities in the Peru TMRC program.
The Aims for Core C are a) To centralize, conduct and monitor all the procedures related to datacollection, data entry and data processing, including labeling and handling of collected specimens;b) to coordinate and supervise sampling activities in all the components of the program; c) tocoordinate and perform statistical data analysis; d) to assist the preparation of research protocols inthe areas of sample size and power calculations, sampling schemes and procedures, and statisticalmethods for data analysis, and e) to deliver a set of databases with validated, clearly-documentedinformation and easily accessible according to pre-defined security levels. The proposed activitiesin this core are based on this experience of the Cysticercosis Working Group in Peru which helpedto develop the previous Peru TMRC Program, and build on this established structure. Existingfacilities include a multi-level relational SQL data system has been designed and made operational.All data from different studies is entered in this system which creates a unique identifier for theindividual (or animal) which will later be the link to every sample, result, visit, geographic data, orother related information. Data is organized at the individual, house, and village levels. The systemis fully compliant with confidentiality and tracking systems. Data from over 100,000 individuals isalready stored in this system. The Core C will act as Data Management Center (DMC). It will beinstituted at UPCH and integrated with the existing infrastructure of other large research programsof our group. The Core Director will be Mirko Zlmic, supported by Dr. William Pan, Jose Olivera, afull time Data Manager, Cesar Gavidia, Sofia Arriola and a full time data entry person (Figure 1). Aunique DMC will be established for all working units of this program. The DMC will receive theinformation, process it, and re-distribute data according to the analytical requirements of eachproject. Data analysis will be performed in close coordination with all collaborative researchersand/or institutions involved. Datasets and their documentation will be available at the web page ofthe program, password protected and using a secure site, providing limited access to involvedpersonnel.
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