Cohort Studies and DatabasesThe Cohorts and Databases Core (CDC) will maintain two cohorts of patients and their associated databasesand continually update and add information. In addition, the Core will maintain a database supporting tissuestorage and use. The two populations of patients are men and women with breast cancer or women atincreased risk because of genetic or histologic risk factors. Tissues are those blood samples and breastspecimens kept in repositories at the DFCI, BVH or MGH. The databases are called CRIS (C'linicalResearch Information System), REACH (Risk Evaluation And Cancer History), and STIP (SpecimenTracking and Inventory Program). Men and women with breast cancer are prospcctively enteied into CRISfrom the Gillette Breast Oncology Clinic at the DFCI and the AVON Breast Evaluation Center at the MGH.Women at high risk for breast cancer arc entered into REACH at the risk evaluation clinics at the DFCI andB1DMC. Data managers at the DFCI and MGH prospectively enter data into both registries. Users in thetissue banks at the DFCI, BWH and MGH use STIP for entry and inventory purposes. Reports are issued byspecialized software to requesting investigators and down loaded to other registries. All three databases arekept on Partners HealthCare Information Systems' central computer facilities, and available on workstationsthroughout the Partners System. The Core will provide reports to SPORE investigators who have approvedprojects and after consultation about data requirements. The Core is also available to collaborators who aremembers of the DF/HCC or other investigators on a case-by-case basis. The Core will participate in the CoreCoordinating Committee and will abide by policies and procedures agreed upon by the Committee.
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