The purpose of the Administration, Evaluation and Planning Core is to ensure the coordination of the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC) Lung Cancer SPORE components and to provide oversight andleadership of the scientific, administrative, and fiscal aspects of the SPORE.Within the DF/HCC Lung CancerSPORE, there are several layers of oversight and evaluation. Dr. Johnson, as SPORE Director, monitorsthe progress of the Projects and Cores and oversees the Career Development Program (along with Drs.David Christian! and Daniel Tenen), the Developmental Research Program (along with Dr. DavidKwiatkowski), and all other proposed activities. Within the DF/HCC, Dr. Johnson has the authority andresources to ensure the success of this SPORE. Our Governance Committee, made up of senior membersof the DF/HCC Lung Cancer Program, meets monthly to provide immediate decision-making. Dr. Johnsonwill be joined by David Christiani, Professor of Medicine and Public Health, to assume the responsibility asCo-Pi of the SPORE. Dr. Christiani brings his leadership expertise in pulmonary medicine and public healthto our proposed studies in lung cancer. We have a strong Internal Advisory Board, comprised o f prominentmembers of the Harvard Medical School community and representing the participating institutions and majorcancer research disciplines. Our External Advisory Board will meet in the Boston area annually during thefive-year funding cycle. The membership and functions of these committees are discussed in detail in thedescription of this Core.The Administration, Evaluation and Planning Core allows for the provision ofstimulating intellectual activities, organization of venues for planning future research through seminars andretreats, and the oversight of research and spending. This Core also provides the tools to work withinstitutions inside and outside of Harvard University to leverage the considerable power of the SPORE inorder to raise more research funding for lung cancer. The responsibilities of the Administration, Evaluationand Planning Core are to: 1) Select research projects and evaluate research progress; 2) Fostercollaborative research within the SPORE and between SPOREs; 3) Integrate the Lung SPORE into theDF/HCC structure; 4) Provide necessary resources and fiscal oversight and 5) Promote rapid disseminationof significant research findings and facilitate resource exchange.
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