The purpose of the Imaging Core is to support the in vivo imaging needs of the projects of the UCLASPORE in Prostate Cancer. Non-invasive imaging is a key experimental approach for studying disease inintact organisms. The Imaging Core provides functional as well as anatomical imaging technologies toSPORE investigators, at the pre-clinical and clinical level. Furthermore, the Core works closely withinvestigators to develop and implement new imaging tracers and technologies. Finally, centralization ofthese services in a Core improves the quality and reliability of imaging-based data. The goals of the ImagingCore are : 1) to provide and support state-of-the-art small animal preclinical imaging research; 2) to supportinnovative clinical imaging studies; and 3) to provide scientific and administrative support to ProstateSPORE investigators. Pre-clinical imaging studies are centralized in the Crump Institute imaging facility,which houses two microPET scanners, a microCT, three Xenogen IVIS optical imaging system, and a newMaestro multispectral fluorescence imager. Ancillary facilities including radiolabeling lab and rodent housing,are adjacent. In 2007 the preclinical Imaging Facility will relocate to new, spacious quarters in the CaliforniaNanosystems Institute building where it will continue to expand its offerings to investigators in oncologicmolecular imaging. Clinical imaging and evaluation of novel radiolabeled tracers is supported by theAhmanson Biological Imaging Clinic in the Geffen School of Medicine. Key aspects of the provision ofimaging services are quality control and data acquision/storage/analysis, which the Imaging Core provides inorder to ensure reliable access to the instrumentation and data. Lay description: One of the most excitingareas of medical research is the developing of new ways to 'see' what's going on, in pre-clinical models, andultimately in patients. Molecular imaging will provide better ways to detect cancer, and smarter ways tounderstand its behavior and select the most effective therapy. The Imaging Core helps all SPOREinvestigators to integrate imaging into their basic investigations, and to develop new ways to detect prostatecancer in patients.
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