The Career Development Program is designed to provide training and guidance for academic physicianscientists,clinician-investigators and laboratory-based scientists who wish to dedicate their efforts totranslational research in the area of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of head and neck cancer. In orderto meet this goal, the Career Development Program has developed these specific objectives: 1) To recruitand train physicians, scientists and senior postdoctoral fellows to become outstanding translationalinvestigators in the field of head and neck cancer; 2) To educate awardees in the basic principles of cancerbiology, at both the molecular and cellular level, with an emphasis on translational science; 3) To provide afirm foundation for awardees in the specific area of head and neck cancer biology, laboratory, clinical andepidemiologic evaluation; and 4) To guide awardees through the development process of becoming effectivehead and neck cancer translational researchers. Since its inception in 2002, the Career DevelopmentProgram (CDP) has funded 11 Career Development recipients, including the following: Erich M. Sturgis,M.D.; Edward S. Kim, M.D.; Christopher J. Barnes, Ph.D.; Abhijit Mazumdar, Ph.D.; AnneTsao, M.D.; F.Christopher Holsinger, M.D.; Ho-Young Lee, Ph.D., David L. Schwartz, M.D.; Naijie Jing, M.D.; and MichaelKupferman, M.D; and, most recently, Seetharaman Balasenthil, Ph.D. Dr. Ho-Young Lee serves as anexcellent example of the early success of this program, as reflected by her contributions to this HN SPORErenewal application in the development of a major research project proposed in this application, Project 4(Project Co-Leaders, Bonnie S. Glisson, M.D., and Ho-Young Lee, PhD) In response to concerns raised inour previous review, we are pleased to note that Dr. Jeffrey N. Myers (Professor and Chair, Department ofHead and Neck Surgery) and Dr. Kie-Kian Ang (Professor and Head of Head and Neck Radiation Oncology,Department of Radiation Oncology) have enthusiastically agreed to co-lead this important program, bringingoutstanding translational research and mentoring experience. We are also pleased to note the inclusion ofDr Elizabeth Travis, Associate Director, Women Faculty Programs, MDACC, as a new internal advisor forthe career development and promotion of women faculty in this program.
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