The projects of this HN SPORE will use human head and neck cancer specimens and cell lines fortranslational research directed toward improving the early detection, prevention, and treatment of head andneck cancer. The Tissue Procurement, Pathology and Biomarkers Core (Core C) provides investigators atM. D. Anderson Cancer Center and other collaborating institutions with high-quality tissue samples frompatients with head and neck cancer and oral premalignancies. The Head and Neck Tissue Bank, directed byCore Director, Dr. Adel EI-Naggar, now contains more than 338,000 specimens from more than 29,000patients. Standardized and centralized procedures have been established for tissue procurement, qualitycontrol, and processing, storage, and distribution of samples to individual investigators. In addition, Core Cprovides centralized, specialized services such as tissue microarray (TMA) construction, tissuemicrodissection, qualitative and quantitative biomarker analyses both in tissue [e.g., immunohistochemistry(IHC), Western blotting) and non-tissue (e.g., blood-based cytokine profiles) specimens, nucleic acidextractions, development and maintenance of cell lines. These services and expertise provided by Core Cwere a critical component of the past SPORE research activities, leading to over 158 publications during thepast five years, with 78 of these publications co-authored by Dr. EI-Naggar. This Core has been at theforefront of multi-institutional efforts to standardize pathologic terminology and criteria for reporting andevaluating pathologic specimens and analyses, and developing and integrating common data elements ofour Tissue Bank database with the NCI's CaBIG Initiative. This revised application provides significantlyenhanced detail regarding usage of the Core and how this resource has benefited the SPORE projects, itseffectiveness and value, and its extensive contributions to InterSPORE and other NIH/NCI initiatives.Specifically, we have added lists of specimen acquisition and core users, details regarding our qualitycontrol procedures, and various methodologies related to our specialized services.
Specific Aims of theCore include: 1) To obtain, process, and maintain a repository of premalignant, tumorous, and matchingnon-tumorous specimens, and related specimens, and to distribute and track utilization of specimens; 2) Tomaintain and expand innovative and unique tissue and blood-based resources and histopathologic services;3) To perform and interpret various tissue- and blood-based methodologies with rigorous quality control,maximize tissue utilization, and ensure the successful completion of each project's aims; and 4) To fosterand support inter-SPORE and other NCI/NIH interactions and collaborations. The Core will continue toensure the highest quality tissue samples and related analyses will be provided to all HN SPOREinvestigators, as well as to collaborating researchers participating in other NIH/NCI-sponsored programs.
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