The interdisciplinary translations! research requirement of the SPORE funding mechanism requires a strongcentral mechanism to co-ordinate the activities of teams of investigators. The Administrative Core of theUCSF Brain Tumor SPORE has been created to supervise the activities of the UCSF Brain Tumor SPOREand provide fiscal management, administrative support, and the framework by which researchers cancommunicate and interact.
The aims of the Administrative Core are:1. To provide fiscal management. The Administrative Core will distribute funds from the SPORE Award, theCareer Development and Developmental Research Programs, and discretionary funds provided by theinstitution. The Administrative Core will also be responsible for the timely reporting of fianances to projectPis and the SPORE PI/co-Pls.2. To provide administrative support. The Administrative Core will be reponsible for the daily operations ofthe SPORE,for the preparation of SPORE -related manuscripts, and for communications with NIH.3. To facilitate communication between SPORE investigators. The Administrative Core will be responsiblefor the scheduling of all meetings, seminar series, and retreats, and for the distribution of the notices invitingparticipation in the Developmental and Career Developmental Research Programs.4. To evaluate research progress. The Administrative Core, through the SPORE Executive Committee, thethe SPORE Steering Committee, and the SPORE External Advisory Board, will be responsible forevaluating the progress of projets and making decisions regarding the continuation/replacement of projects.5. To assist in compliance. The Administrative Core will be responsible for assuring compliance andscientific integrity of all components of the SPORE.The UCSF BrainTumor SPORE Administrative Core is directed by Mitchel S. Berger, MD, with theassistance of the Clinical Co-Pi Michael. Prados, MD, Basic Science Co-Pi Russell Pieper, PhD, and theSPORE Administrator Ross Beard. The Administrative Core is housed in office space distinct from that ofthe Dept. iof Neurological Surgery and the UCSF Neuro-Oncology Program, yet remains in close proximity toadministrators in these programs, and in close contact with the office of the Program Director, MitchelBerger, MD. The Administrative Core is used by all investigators in the UCSF BrainTumor SPORE and assuch is an indispensable part of the program.
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