The administrative core will 1) Provide an environment and organizational structure that integrates thefacilities and resources of the CARC to allow Center investigators to obtain the support they need toeffectively and efficiently conduct the designated research related activities of the Center, 2) Oversee thecommunications between the various geographical sites that comprise the center, 3) Establish and maintainan appropriate environment to facilitate training the next generation of craniofacial and dental investigatorsexpert i.n human gene mapping, animal model and genomic approaches, 4) Provide an infrastructure formeetings, travel, seminars and the web based integrated services of the overall project. The administrativecore will be responsible for the physical management of the Center, the day-to-day Center operations,monitoring of research projects, integration and coordination of the cores, encouraging, soliciting, andfacilitating new research efforts and maintaining oversight of the development of junior faculty trainees. Theadministrative core will be directed by the Center Director, Dr. Jeff Murray, and co-directed by the AssociateDirector, Dr. Mary Marazita. Daily assistance to the Center will be provided by the program assistant and thesecretary with the services of the financial administrator for budgetary issues. An external review committeewill annually review the progress of the Center with a special focus on its scientific projects and provideguidance on the effectiveness of the cores in accomplishing the goals of the Center. An internal executivecommittee will provide monthly input into the functions and goals of the Center as well.
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