The Administrative Core will be responsible for providing leadership and a management structure forcoordination and integration of the Center research. The Core will also direct all research translationactivities of the Center. Dr. Patrick Breysse, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, and Director of theDivision of Environmental Health Engineering, will serve as the Principal Investigator of the Program. He willbe assisted by Dr. Gregory Diette, M.D., Associate Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, at theSchool of Medicine. Dr. Diette will serve as the lead physician scientist responsible for facilitating thetranslation of knowledge gained from the Center's research to clinical and/or public health practice.The Core will be responsible for fiscal and administrative oversight of the Center. Activities include;scheduling meetings, maintaining records of all Center activities, and preparing progress reports.Specifically, the Core will arrange weekly Center research meetings and investigator retreats, as well asmeetings with the Outside Advisory Committee, the Internal Advisory Committee, and the CommunityAdvisory Committee. The Core will also arrange for Center personnel to attend annual program meetings,maintain communication with the NIEHS, organize the invitation of outside researchers to give seminars, andconsult with Center investigators.The overall planning and coordination of the Center components will be accomplished with assistance fromthe Administrative Core staff and in cooperation with the research project and core leaders functioning as anExecutive Committee. Effective communication and interaction within the Center will be facilitated by semi-annual investigator retreats and a seminar series. Through these and other activities we intend to create anenvironment where ongoing communication between projects, cores, and center leadership occurs on aregular basis. This ongoing communication will result in modification of research activities as preliminarydata suggest new and exciting avenues of exploration.
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