The proposed Education Component will continue its ongoing commitment to disseminate key researchfindings to our target audiences. We also propose to move on to the next steps in dissemination whichrequires a more collaborative and interactive process.
The specific aims of this component are:1) To provide ongoing dissemination of scientific materials based on key research findings from past andongoing Prevention Research Center (PRC) projects to general and targeted audiences (Years 1-5). Theseactivities will include maintenance of a dissemination website, active promotion of these materials atorganizational meetings, symposia and conferences, and close cooperation with PIRE and PRC projectsproviding technical assistance to local communities to support the implementation of effective preventionprograms.2) To develop scientific materials based on key research findings from past and ongoing PRC projectsthat are useful to targeted audiences, to identify the most effective communication channels fordisseminating these materials, and to identify appropriate feedback loops between the scientific communityand target audiences (Years 1-3). To accomplish this aim we will convene a group of communitygatekeepers representing four California cities (with populations between 50,000 and 500,000) based upon aCommunity Systems Model of alcohol problems. These gatekeepers will include, but not be limited to,representatives from relevant community-based organizations (CBOs), planning and zoning departments,enforcement agencies, and others with mandates related to alcohol problem prevention. Therepresentatives from these communities will assist in the development of materials appropriate for similaraudiences and provide feedback to enable us to refine and revise dissemination materials and channels.3) To use the knowledge gained in Specific Aim 2 to disseminate scientific materials to the 50 randomlyselected study communities involved in the larger Center proposal (Years 4 and 5).The activities of the component will be monitored and evaluated to gain information about their reach intotarget audiences and about their perceived usefulness to these audiences
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