The MHDRC Research Training Core (RTC) plans to increase the number of competent, well-trainedminority researchers and health-care professionals working on health disparities in the Deep South bytraining undergraduate students from Alabama's Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).Drawing on experiences from our current Project EXPORT (RESPECT), the RTC will: 1) partner withStillman College in a three-year Summer Enrichment Program for undergraduate students to increaseenrollment in graduate school and career choices in health research or practice, 2) create intensive learningopportunities in health disparities research, and 3) strengthen the network linking DAB and Alabama'sHBCUs. The Leader of the RTC is Mona Fouad, MD, MPH, and its Co-Leader is Eddie Thomas, EdD, fromStillman College. The RTC will target undergraduates in order to extend UAB's existing training pipeline andto engage minority students early enough to influence their career decisions. The Summer EnrichmentProgram will involve the competitive selection of 10 new undergraduate 'Scholars' each year. During theSummer of Year 1 at Stillman College, Scholars will be exposed to experts in health disparities and learnabout health-related career options. During the Summers of Years 2 and 3, they will be housed at UAB towork with research mentors in environments that may not be available at their home institutions. As a result,Scholars will develop working relationships with health disparities researchers and be involved with theprocesses and products of cutting-edge health-related research. While intensive training is provided duringthe summer, contact will also be maintained with Scholars throughout the three-year program to track theirprogress and to maintain their interest and investment in the program.
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