DeLong, Katherine A; Kutas, Marta (2016) Hemispheric differences and similarities in comprehending more and less predictable sentences. Neuropsychologia 91:380-393
Urbach, Thomas P; DeLong, Katherine A; Kutas, Marta (2015) Quantifiers are incrementally interpreted in context, more than less. J Mem Lang 83:79-96
Knoeferle, Pia; Urbach, Thomas P; Kutas, Marta (2014) Different mechanisms for role relations versus verb-action congruence effects: evidence from ERPs in picture-sentence verification. Acta Psychol (Amst) 152:133-48
Kemmer, Laura; Coulson, Seana; Kutas, Marta (2014) Grammatical number agreement processing using the visual half-field paradigm: an event-related brain potential study. Int J Psychophysiol 91:88-103
Yang, Jin-Chen; Chi, Lillian; Teichholtz, Sara et al. (2014) ERP abnormalities elicited by word repetition in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) and amnestic MCI. Neuropsychologia 63:34-42
Barber, Horacio A; van der Meij, Maartje; Kutas, Marta (2013) An electrophysiological analysis of contextual and temporal constraints on parafoveal word processing. Psychophysiology 50:48-59
Borovsky, Arielle; Kutas, Marta; Elman, Jeffrey L (2013) Getting it right: word learning across the hemispheres. Neuropsychologia 51:825-37
Olichney, John M; Pak, Jamie; Salmon, David P et al. (2013) Abnormal P600 word repetition effect in elderly persons with preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Cogn Neurosci 4:143-51
Ye, Zheng; Kutas, Marta; St George, Marie et al. (2012) Rearranging the world: neural network supporting the processing of temporal connectives. Neuroimage 59:3662-7
Borovsky, Arielle; Elman, Jeffrey L; Kutas, Marta (2012) Once is Enough: N400 Indexes Semantic Integration of Novel Word Meanings from a Single Exposure in Context. Lang Learn Dev 8:278-302
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