Our long-term objective is to ascertain how protein conformation plays a role in biological function and in various diseases.
Our specific aims are to treat the role of basic physical forces, key interactions, key residues, as well as the role of conformation, with an improved coarse-grained UNRES model, in several biological systems related to specific diseases. We will also continue the development of our UNRES model of nucleic acids (NARES-2P) and merge UNRES and NARES-2P into a viable package, which will be provided to the community. We will demonstrate how these aims can lead to valid predictions of structures and folding pathways of proteins, and protein-nucleic acid and protein-protein complexes. Our main focus will involve the application of this methodology to specific biological problems.
As pointed out in the Project Summary, the long-term objective of this research is to ascertain how protein conformation plays a role in various diseases. Examples of such diseases in which conformation plays a role are sickle cell anemia and amyloid diseases such as Alzheimer's and mad cow disease.
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