McClain, William H (2006) Surprising contribution to aminoacylation and translation of non-Watson-Crick pairs in tRNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103:4570-5
Lee, Dennis; McClain, William H (2004) Aptamer redesigned tRNA is nonfunctional and degraded in cells. RNA 10:7-11
McClain, William H; Gabriel, Kay; Lee, Dennis et al. (2004) Structure-function analysis of tRNA(Gln) in an Escherichia coli knockout strain. RNA 10:795-804
Choi, Hyunsic; Gabriel, Kay; Schneider, Jay et al. (2003) Recognition of acceptor-stem structure of tRNA(Asp) by Escherichia coli aspartyl-tRNA synthetase. RNA 9:386-93
Choi, H; Otten, S; McClain, W H (2002) Isolation of novel tRNA(Ala) mutants by library selection in a tRNA(Ala) knockout strain. Biochimie 84:705-11
Choi, Hyunsic; Otten, Sharee; Schneider, Jay et al. (2002) Genetic perturbations of RNA reveal structure-based recognition in protein-RNA interaction. J Mol Biol 324:573-6
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Gabriel, K; McClain, W H (2001) Plasmid systems to study RNA function in Escherichia coli. J Mol Biol 310:543-8
Moulinier, L; Eiler, S; Eriani, G et al. (2001) The structure of an AspRS-tRNA(Asp) complex reveals a tRNA-dependent control mechanism. EMBO J 20:5290-301
Chang, K Y; Varani, G; Bhattacharya, S et al. (1999) Correlation of deformability at a tRNA recognition site and aminoacylation specificity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96:11764-9
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