Human decidual cells have been observed ultrastructurally to contain a population of membrane bounded, electron dense secretory bodies. These structures are 0.4 - 0.9 MuM in diameter and contain granular subunits, 30-60 nm in diameter, which are exocytosed into the extracellular matrix.
The aim of this proposal is to identify proteins synthesized by human decidual cells and in particular, identify components contained within the major decidual cell secretory bodies. In addition, the decidual extracellular matrix (placental fibrinoid) will be immunochemically dissected with affinity purified antibodies to extracellular matrix components. A combination of biochemical, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural approaches, coupled with organ culture of decidual explants, will be utilized to: 1) Identify proteins synthesized and secreted by human decidual explants; 2) Produce monospecific antisera to major decidual secretory protein(s); 3) Immunohistochemically map the distribution and localization of decidual secretory protein(s) at light and EM levels; 4) Immunohistochemically dissect the decidual extracellular matrix (placental fibrinoid); 5) Examine secretion both ultrastructurally and immunochemically from the predecidual cells of the premenstrual endometrium and the stroma at sites of endometriosis. It is expected that information derived from these studies will provide a better understanding of the chemical nature of human decidual cell secretion(s) and of the extracellular matrix which surrounds these cells both within the human placenta and at ectopic sites. This information is fundamental to understanding the role of the decidual cells in human gestation.
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